Practical Applicability of the “Hora” and “Ashta Garunda Chakraya” concepts in Astrology for “Vastu” shastra.
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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
“Hora” remains as a vital component among the three components (“Skanda”) of astrology, while in certain cases astrology itself is known as “Hora Shastra”. Even though majority attempts to define “Hora” as the combination of “Aho” & “Rathri” (Day & Night), the ideal definition in traditional Uma astrology states that term “Hora” ultimately symbolize the movement of the sun. Numerous complicated micro divisions could be observed within the “Hora” concept that ultimately divides a “Hora” into 36 seconds (“Siyapath Hora”). On the other hand, “Ashta Garunda Chakraya”, also known as “Ashta Guruluwa”, is a unique traditional astrological system that resembles the eight directions via eight animal energies, while utilizing the interactions between nine planets, stars and rashi in the astrology. The current study attempts to illustrate the applicability of the “Ashta Garunda Chakraya & Hora” concepts for problem identification in Vastu shastra. Under practical situations, different divisions of “Hora” at which the house is subjected for examination should be initially calculated and then the “Hora Lords” should be identified. Based on the nature of the “Hora Lords” on the “Thathkala Kendra”, the nature & state of the issue, its cause and its solvability etc. could be deduced. Subsequently, the animal that resembles the energy of the house owner should be calculated based on the Ashta Garunda Chakraya. Each animal of the “Ashta Guruluwa” is represented by a planet, direction and significators (“Kaarakathva”) that allows identifying the state, nature and cause for the issue, while aiding to decide potential solutions. Hence, if applied simultaneously, both “Hora” and “Ashta Garunda Chakraya” are capable of effectively improving the problem identification and resolving power in Vastu shastra.
Ashta Garunda Chakraya, Indra Guruluwa, Hora, Vastu
Padmasiri, H. (2017). Practical Applicability of the “Hora” and “Ashta Garunda Chakraya” concepts in Astrology for “Vastu” shastra. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.46.