Effect of information system resources and capabilities on firm performance: Evidence from apparel industry
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Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Information systems (IS) play a vital role in almost every organization compared
with all other resources in a firm. Organizations mostly rely on information systems
to carry out and manage their operations, interact with their customers and suppliers
and compete in the marketplace. So examining the contribution of IS resources to
firm performance is critical in the current environment.
In apparel industry, Information Technology (IT) with IS has become an integral
part. Like service industries, few departments of the apparel industry are fully
depended on IT or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems. There are so many
recent cases in the world which provides us better evidence on how critical IT is in
an apparel industry. Since the apparel industry being the no one leading contributor
to the export revenue , understanding whether and how IS resources have affected
the firm performance in apparel industry is an important research area to carry out a
study, as it allows the management to know the value of their IS investments.
Some research studies that have been carried out so far posit a direct relationship
between IS resources/capabilities with firm performance, while others have
questioned the direct-effect argument and emphasized that IS resources/capabilities
are likely to affect firm performance only when they are deployed to create unique
complementarities with other firm resources. So the main objective of the research
is to identify the effects of IS resources and capabilities on firm performance in
apparel industry.
An empirical test will be performed on a selected sample with reference to the apparel
industry in Sri Lanka in-order to achieve the objective mentioned in the research. As
an initial step, existing information system resources and the capabilities in each
selected firm will be identified. Then the extent to which IS resources are deployed
in the firm will be identified.
A quantitative methodology will be employed. Data will be collected through
surveys using questionnaires on a five-point Likert scale, interviews with IS
specialists, system analysts and data administrators relevant to each firm. The
conceptual model that has been developed referring to literature will be tested by the
questionnaire for applicability. Questionnaires will be based on the variables and
their indicators identified from the literature. Questionnaire will be tested with a
sample for validity and will be based on self-assessed scaled items. Data collected
through descriptive methods will be analyzed using descriptive statistic techniques
to find out the relationships with the independent and dependent variables. The
partial least squares multivariate technique will be used to analyze the data. The
empirical results will be then analyzed to develop the implications for Sri Lankan
business managers.
Information system, Firm performance, Resource based view
Udawaththa, P. and Wijayanayake, W.M.J.I. 2016. Effect of information system resources and capabilities on firm performance: Evidence from apparel industry. In Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS 2016), Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 108.