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Sri Lanka has been under western colonial administration since the 16th century.
Chronologically speaking first came the Portuguesc. then the Dutch and the British
subsequently took hold of the administration. British brought the entire island under their
supreme authority and administered for around 133 ycars. Batticaloa is situated in the
eastern coastal area and was governed for a long period of time by the British.
The objective of thesis is to conceptualize the reliable history of the administration. the
supreme influence and the phenomenal progress in Batticaloa during the era of British
administration. The area has not been previously subjected to a detailed historical study.
Therefore an extensive research has been conducted. Our main concern is to construct
the multifaceted history of Batticaloa with information chiefly from archival records and
statistical information found in the reports published by government departments.
The sources of study are statistical data and records of the British government in Sri
Lanka. literary records. field work. interviews and also archaeological evidence. They
are mostly archival records and government publications. which have been collected and
preserved at the National Archives. the Colombo Museum Library and other institutions.
The study is undertaken according to the principles of historical methodology and in
competent guidance and in conformity with the principles of rational investigations and
analytical examination of the source material.
Chapter divisions are I )General Introduction. 2)History of Batticaloa in the pre-British
period. 3)Continuity of Administration. 4)The Responsibility of Native Chiefs under
British Administration 5)The Beginnings of Modern Education. 6)The Development of
Transport and Communication Infrastructure 7)Agriculture and other Economic
Activities. 8)Courts. Laws and Customs. 9)Conclusion.
In conclusion it may be stated that the British Administration established enterprising
activities for the development of Batticaloa and was ext ordinarily successful in the
transformation and modernization of this area. Batticaloa had a cultural heritage which is
UnIque In some ways.
British administration, Archival records, Colonial occupation, Modernization, Historical study
Nilanthini, P.(2016).THE BATTICALOA DISTRICT UNDER BRITISH ADMINISTRATION A.D.1796-1948. M.Phil thesis. University of Kelaniya.