Intracerebral haemorrhage - risk factors, subtypes and mortality

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Sri Lanka Medical Association


INTRODUCTION : No data are available regarding intracerebral haemorrhage among Sri Lankans. In a hospital based study in Colombo we identified 49 consecutive patients with intra cerebral haemorrhage and they were studied to determine the risk factors, site and size of haemorrhage, clinical severity and mortality. METHODS : Consecutive patients with intracerebral haemorrhage admitted to two private hospitals were included in the study. They were assessed prospectively during the hospital stay using a protocol. Diagnosis of intracerebral haemorrhage was made by CT scanning. Abstracts/SLMA Sessions 1998 RESULTS : Of the 49, 43 had intracerebral haemorrhage and 6 had subarachnoid haemorrhage. 31were males and 18 were females. Age ranged from 34 to 92 years. Distribution of the intra cerebral haemorrhage was as follows. Basal ganglia 30. lobar 5, massive supratentorial 04, celebellar 01, unknown 3. Of the basal ganglia haemorrhage 20 were putaminal, 8 were thalamic, 2 were caudate. 9 had in addition intra ventricular haemorrhage. 19(44%) patients were known hypertensives and 9 had diabetes mellitus. Of the patients with intracerebral haemorrhage, 06 were unconscious. 20 were drowsy and 17 were alert on admission. Of the subarachnoid haemorrhages 1 was unconsious and 5 were drowsy. In- hospital mortality for intracerebral haemorrhage was 30% and for sub-arachnoid haemorrhage was 83%. CONCLUSIONS : Intra cerebral haemorrhage is a important cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalised patients. 30% mortality is low when compared to other countries. Hypertension is an important risk factor and measures should be taken to improve detection and treatment of hypertension.


Oral Presentation Abstract (OP 40), 111th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 25-28 March 1998 Colombo, Sri Lanka


Cerebral Hemorrhage


Sri Lanka Medical Association, 111th Anniversary Academic Sessions. 1998



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