The Effects of an intervention using Low-Tech visual scene displays and aided modeling with young children with complex communication needs
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Sage Publishing
Young children with complex communication needs are often severely restricted in their ability to communicate and develop language skills. A major barrier preventing these children from accessing communication is a lack of appropriate means to communicate. The present study investigated the implementation of nonelectronic visual scene displays (VSDs) as an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tool, in combination with aided modeling with preschool children with complex communication needs. A single case, multiple probe design across participants was used to evaluate an intervention combining low-tech VSDs and aided modeling to increase the number of communication turns and unique semantic concepts expressed by preschool children. All children demonstrated notable increases in the number of communication turns and unique semantic concepts expressed. The findings of this study indicate preliminary positive results for a novel, low-cost AAC intervention that could be useful for preschool children to increase their participation in social communication contexts
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Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.2022;42(1):91-104.[Epub 2019 May 22]