Bordetella pertussis serological profile among asymptomatic individuals aged 4-24 years.
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: To determine the antibody levels against pertussis toxin to determine the need and the optimal age for booster immunization. METHODS: The quantitative determination of specific IgG antibodies to Bordetellajiertussistox'm was done by the ELISA using sera of 385 asymptomatic individuals aged 4 -24 years admitted to surgical units of Lady Ridgeway Hospital, Colombo and Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila. Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Waliis test were used in analysis and p<0.05 was taken as significant. RESULTS: Median age was 12 years {IQR 8-19) with 212 (55.1%) females. The median (1QR) anti PT antibody level was 3.31 lu/ml (0.73-15.12) and 352 (91%) had anti PT level <55 lU/ml. Median {IQR) anti PT levels were 3.18 ILJ/ml (0.591-8.00) for 4-7 years, 1.43 lU/ml (0.336-6.27) for 8-11 years, 4.28 lU/ml (0.978-13.39) for 12-15 years,6.14 lU/ml (1.44-63.25) for 16-19 years and 4.89 lU/ml (1.11-16.78) for 20-24 years and this difference was statistically significant (p=0.000). Females (p<0.003) and those having a sibling above 12 years (p=0.017) had significantly higher anti PT levels. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the study population, especially 8 to 11 years age group had very low anti PT IgG levels. The infection may occur in early adolescents. A booster dose of acellular pertussis vaccine could be considered.
Oral Presentation Abstract (OP34), 127th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2014 Colombo, Sri Lanka
asymptomatic individuals
The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2014; 59(Supplement 1):24-25