Fish farming in seasonal reservoirs: Beyond technical feasibility
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Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
The Fisheries Community Development and Resource Manage-ment Project (FCDRMP) has tested community-based carp polyculture programmes in seasonal minor irrigation reservoirs in the Hambantota and the Monaragala districts of the southern dry zone of Sri Lanka since 1999. Seasonal reservoirs that are technically feasible for fish farming were se-lected for the implementation of the programme. The potential fish farm-ers were mobilised mainly through the local farmer organisation. In rare cases, extension staff mobilised people informally. As the main purpose of seasonal reservoirs is the irrigation of paddy lands, the fish farming pro-gramme is part of a complex system of resource uses. Ignoring this com-plexity and excluding the social dynamics within this system result in a high economic and social cost. Out of a sample of 20 reservoirs supported by FCDRMP in 2004, 18 faced serious non-technical problems. By high-lighting the social and institutional hindrances the project has experienced, this paper draws attention to the importance of a more holistic approach in planning and implementing fish farming programmes in seasonal reser-voirs. An assessment of the local social dynamics and the participation of the community during the planning and implementation stages of fish farming are crucial. In order to recognise, prevent or resolve potential and actual problems and conflicts, a different approach to extension services is necessary.
Lidzba, C., Siriwardena, N. and Kumara, U., 2008. Fish farming in seasonal reservoirs: Beyond technical feasibility. In: Participatory Approaches to Reservoir Fisheries Management: Issues, Challenges and Policies (M.J.S. Wijeyaratne & U.S. Amarasinghe eds). pp. 151-162. Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Colombo, Sri Lanka.