A rare co-occurrence of duchenne muscular dystrophy, congenital adrenal hypoplasia and glycerol kinase deficiency due to Xp21 contiguous gene deletion syndrome: case report.
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Background: Contiguous gene deletion syndromes are rare genomic disorders caused by deletion of large
segments of DNA resulting in co-occurrence of apparently unrelated multiple clinical phenotypes. We report a boy
with contiguous gene deletion involving Xp21 genomic location.
Case presentation: A Sri Lankan boy with developmental delay and failure to thrive first presented at three years
of age with hypovolaemia, hyperpigmentation and drowsiness. Investigations done at that time revealed hypoglycaemia,
hyponatraemia, hyperkalaemia, low cortisol, low aldosterone, high ACTH and low 17-hydroxyprogesterone. He was
diagnosed to have primary adrenal insufficiency.
During follow-up at five years, he was noted to have progressive difficulty in walking, waddling gait, hypotonia, calf
hypertrophy and positive Gower’s sign. His creatine kinase was very high, and the electromyogram showed myopathy.
Genetic analysis revealed hemizygous deletion involving the final 35 exons of the dystrophin gene confirming the
diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Further investigations revealed pseudohypertriglyceridemia, large glycerol peak on urine organic acid analysis and
hemizygous deletion of the glycerol kinase gene confirming glycerol kinase deficiency. Based on the presence of
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, glycerol kinase deficiency and probable congenital adrenal hypoplasia along with genetic
confirmation of deletions involving dystrophin and glycerol kinase genes, the diagnosis of Xp21 contiguous gene
deletion syndrome was made.Conclusions: We report a child with contiguous gene deletion syndrome who was initially diagnosed as having isolated
primary adrenal insufficiency probably due to congenital adrenal hypoplasia. Later he was confirmed to have Duchenne
muscular dystrophy and glycerol kinase deficiency, as well. This case report highlights the importance of pre-emptive
evaluation and identification of genetic defects when patients present with seemingly unrelated diseases that could aid
in accurate diagnoses of contiguous gene deletion syndromes.
Indexed in MEDLINE.
Congenital adrenal hypoplasia
BMC Endocrine Disorders.2021; 21(1): 214.