Child abuse and neglect; who gets abused and who abuses them?

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Sri Lanka Medical Association


OBJECTIVES: To study the socio-demographic characteristics of victims of child abuse and characteristics of the perpetrators. Study Design: A descriptive study. METHOD: A prospective study of 112 victims of child abuse presenting to the University Paediatric Unit, Ragama from January 2000 to August 2004. The study evaluated characteristics of victims and perpetrators. Ethical approval was obtained. Data Analysis: Epi info version 6. RESULTS: Mean age of the victims was 9.7 years. 79% were females. Ethnicity-91% Singhalese, 5%Muslims and 4%Tamils. 82% resided in Gampaha District. Education of father and mother respectively - 5% and 11%-not attended school, 32% and 34%-primary education, 52% and 50%-ordinary level and 11% and 9%-advanced level. Social class -46%-unskilled, 26%-poorly skilled, 18%-skilled and 10%-lesser professionals. Monthly income (Rs.) -6% <2000, 37% 2000-5000, 33% 5000-10,000 and 24% >10,000. Marital status- 64%-married, 27%-divorced, 6%-unmarried and living together, 3%-single. Amongst married parents, 20% of mothers and 6% of fathers were abroad. Caregiver to the victim- 47%-both parents, 15%-mother, 15%-father, 14%-relatives and 9%-others. Consumption of alcohol by father -59%. Characteristics of perpetrators- 98% were known to the victims and in 24% the perpetrator was the father. Number of perpetrator/s- 86%-one, 5%-two, 5%-three, 4%-more than 3. Perpetrator being drunk at the tine of abuse in 31%. Amongst sexually abused, 26% were acts of incest. Of those 70% by father. CONCLUSIONS: The most vulnerable victims of abuse are shown to be 10-year-old females. Majority came from low social and educational backgrounds, In <5Q%, both parents cared for the child. 98% of perpetrators were trusted persons and in nearly a quarter it was the father.


Oral Presentation Abstract (OP49), 118th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2005 Colombo, Sri Lanka


child abuse


The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2005; 50(Supplement 1):30



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