Qualitative research: how to do it

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Department of Family Medicine, Aga Khan University Pakistan


Traditionally bio-medical research has been quantitative research which reduces data to quantities and numerical values. Qualitative research on the other hand is characterised by the use of non numeric textual data. By qualitative research, one tries to understand human behaviour from the subjects own frame of reference. Quantitative and qualitative research is complimentary to each other and when used together in a single study will increase the breadth, depth and scope of the research. One should follow certain guidelines while conducting qualitative research. This article discusses the following methods of data collection in qualitative research - observation, interviews, focus groups and narratives. Qualitative data analysis requires a system for coding and retrieval of chunks of text and organizing them into categories and themes. Computer programs developed specifically for qualitative research are also available. Qualitative research is often criticized as it seems to lack reliability and validity. However there are certain strategies that can be used to add rigour to a qualitative study.


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Biomedical Research, Qualitative Research, Health Services Research, Data Collection, Research Design


Medicine Today. 2005; 3(1): pp.18-22



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