A model for determination of Jaṭharāgnibased on Anumāna of Gurvādi Guṇa.

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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


Anumāna pramāṇa (inference) plays a crucial role in the determination of Jaṭarāgniaccording to Ayurveda. Alterationofthe function of Jaṭarāgniis viewed as a key factor in themanifestation of diseases. Breakdown of the equilibriumof physical and mental state is the cause of the alteration of Agni. This breakdown is caused by the imbalance of Gurvādi Guṇa(s) (physical properties)comprised in physical and mental Doṣa(s).Susrutasaṁhitāmentions that theimbalance of each Guṇainside the body should be inferred through the respective characteristic features and actions which are expressed outside the body. This paper is intended toformulate a model for determination of Jaṭharāgni based on inferenceofimbalanceofGurvādi Guṇa. Authentic Ayurveda texts, secondary texts related to clinical diagnosis and philosophical texts were used as the data sources of the literary survey. In addition, a survey was conducted with the participation of thirty Ayurvedic practitioners through a structured questionnaire to investigatea possible relationship between etiological factors and the Guṇa imbalance. The model comprised of etiological factors, Gurvādi Guṇa andDoṣaimbalance. 85 characteristic features were identified as significant in the determination ofGuṇa imbalancewhile 40 etiological factors fewer than 04 different categories were identified during the study. The proposed model can be effectively used in inferring the imbalance of Gurvādi Guṇainside the body. Further, depending on the Guṇa imbalance respective etiological factors and Doṣa imbalance also can be inferred. It is proposed to establish a criteria forthe diagnosis of the Agni vikṛti through inferring Gurvādi Guṇaas the further step of this study.



Agni vikṛti, Anumāna pramāṇa, Clinical diagnosis, Gurvādi Guṇa


Wewalwala,S.L., Samaratunga,U.,and Jayawardane,K.B. (2017). A model for determination of Jaṭharāgnibased on Anumāna of Gurvādi Guṇa. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.33.




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