Resting behavior of malaria vectors in Mannar District of Sri Lanka with reference to zooprophylaxis
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University of Kelaniya
The most important factors for effective zooprophylaxis in reducing malaria transmission are the presence of predominate populations of a strongly zoophilic mosquitoes and domestic animals for their blood-meal.
Resting behavior of anopheline mosquitoes was evaluated using indoor and outdoor mosquito collection techniques. Mosquitoes were captured using 389 outdoor cattle-baited traps and indoor hand catches in 5672 houses at 12 possible malaria sensitive areas situated 12 km apart; Pesali, Keeri, Erukkallampeddi, Moor, Vankalai, Narawallikulam, Vanchiyankulam, Arvanum, Arrippu, Kokkupadayan, Koolankulam and Pandaraveilli for 12 months (June 2012 to June 2013) on a weekly basis. These areas had mostly homogenous characteristics in vegetations and house type. All collected mosquitoes were identified using standard taxonomic keys. A hypothesis test was conducted to determine whether there is a difference between indoor and outdoor collections.
A total of 3986 anopheline mosquitoes were collected from both indoor (n= 3122) and outdoor (n= 864) collection techniques. Anopheles subpictus was found to account for over 97.5% (n= 3887) of Anopheles species collected in the study areas. Other species were; 1.4% An. peditaeniatus (n= 57), 0.6% An. varuna (n= 22), 0.3% An. pallidus (n= 10), 0.2% An. nigerrimus (n= 7), 0.05% An. tessellatus (n= 2), and 0.03% An. aconitus (n= 1). Only 3 species namely, An. subpictus (n= 485), An. tessellatus (n= 2) and An. aconitus (n= 1) were recorded from indoor
hand catches. In experimental cattle-baited hut trials, An. subpictus (n= 3026) was found to have
the highest exophilic tendency (96.9%) compared to other anophelines encountered. The
hypothesis test suggests that there was a significant difference of An. subpictus attracted to
cattle-baited traps and human dwellings (P = 0.008). Although the main vector An. culicifacies
was absent, the presence of the secondary vector An. subpictus was observed in high numbers in
the District.
Exophilic and zoophilic tendencies of An. subpictus are conducive for zooprophylaxis. The study
further indicates that zooprophylaxis may be a potential strategy for malaria control. It is
recommended that in areas with a predominant An. subpictus population, cattle could be kept
close to human dwellings to maximize the effects of zooprophylaxis.
Annual Research Symposium Abstracts, FGS, University of Kelaniya, 28-29 November, 2013, Kelaniya
Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya. 2013; 14: 132-133.