A Comparative Study on the Consistent Layouts of House Planning as Depicted in Västuçästra and Feng shui.

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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


Västuçästra which has been evolved by means of two traditions known as Northern and Southern is the Science of living. The word "Vāstu" derived from root √ Vās (To live – dwell) that is recognized as sthapatyaveda that has to be categorized by way of upaveda. All theories on västuçästra are based on five basic elements (païcabhüta) such as Earth, water, Fire, Air and Space. Interdependence balance of these five elements brings health, wealth, happiness and success in life. païcabhüta is always influenced by the magnetic power, rotation of sun, moon and other planets as well. Imbalance of five basic elements what is defined as vedhadoña brings enormous troubles in life. Entire circle of Fundamental layouts in västuçästra are formulated based on the basic five elements. Feng shui which covers 3,500 years before invent the compass is considered as the foremost domain of Chinese astronomy. The ultimate purpose of Feng shui is to examine the perfect location and the axis in time that is fit for the House planning. All the techniques are based on Yin & Yang theory that is similar to a magnetic dipole. This theory that is linked with astronomical assay of movement of the sun is developed based on the five elements or forces - Wu Xing. Earth (土 tǔ),Water (水 shuǐ), Fire (火huǒ), Wood (木 mù), and Metal (金 jīn) are those five elements. In modern architecture, different types of energies which have been scrutinized in both västuçästra & Feng Shui are consulted such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and sound energy. The foremost purpose of this research is to discover the discrepancies and similarities of five elements theory in both traditions based on literature scrutiny and to establish accurate theorems on analytical approach.



Feng Shui, Five Elements, Païcabhüta, Västuçästra, Wu Xing, I-ching


Ven. Udawela Rewatha thero (2017). A Comparative Study on the Consistent Layouts of House Planning as Depicted in Västuçästra and Feng shui. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.26.




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