LibQUAL Analysis of Library Services in University Libraries in Sri Lanka
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Reviewing International Encounters 2018,The Research Center for Social Sciences (RCSS), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Currently, in an ‘open/service-oriented information society' technology has increased access to content by bringing up information resources to one's fingertips and the provision of such services are increasingly becoming the signifier of excellence of quality. Therefore, over the years, the role of conventional university libraries has led to sophisticated service centers superseding the traditional storehouse concept. Thus compared to the global situation, university libraries in Sri Lanka have attempted to provide overall best services for their targeted users. But, in the Sri Lankan context some questions such as what are the users’ right information desires, are these desires being fulfilled, what are the evaluation criteria for library quality, what are the reasons for the lack of frequent library usage and why do people gradually drop out from libraries, what steps have to be taken to provide better services and how to retain registered users while attracting new ones remain unanswered. For an understanding of these matters and how the existing shortcomings can be fixed, sound studies are vital.
This study aimed to evaluate the user perception and overall quality of services at university libraries in Sri Lanka. It provided suggestions to overcome identified difficulties encountered during the reception of library services. As the first LibQUAL survey conducted in Sri Lanka, this survey helped to assess current service performance (perceived services), users’ minimum and maximum (desired services) expectations and service quality gaps (adequacy and superiority) of their main user groups.
The study concluded that there were only seven (31%) propositions in the entire survey that the users' minimum expectations were met. They included giving users’ individual attention, employees’ knowledge to answer users’ questions and their caring fashion, remote accessibility of electronic resources, quiet comfortable and inviting location which inspires studying and learning. Comparing “library as place” and “effect of service”, “information control" dimension received lowest perceived performance level at the survey. In contrast, a number of user expectations on resources (printed/electronic), library website and information searching tools were fewer satisfaction areas. Users mostly complained on issues related to locating materials and the fact that, they were less aware about the resources and services that the libraries offered. Furthermore, the majority of users negatively responded on internet related matters, unavailability of sufficient books for their own field of study in Sinhala language, noisy environment since people can be loud, telephone conversations and user behaviors. From users’ views libraries could not meet minimum users’ expectations except in some cases. Finally, the examination of users’ minimum expectations showed that the proposition of “making information easily accessible for independent use” was most important and the proposition of “giving users individual attention” was relatively less important.
This study mainly identified 15 service areas which were in need of improvement. Continuous formal and attractive online and offline user education programs, sufficient staff training to upgrade their professional knowledge and inculcate positive attitudes among them, the increment of the minimum staff requirements especially for IT related purposes, the renovation and proper maintenance of library buildings and repair of the equipment which were vital to providing effective services for users. In addition to that, frequent user survey is also essential for the better understanding of users ever-changing desires.
LibQUAL, user perception, university libraries, service quality, Sri Lanka
Wanigasooriya, Priyanwada (2018), LibQUAL Analysis of Library Services in University Libraries in Sri Lanka.Reviewing International Encounters 2018,The Research Center for Social Sciences (RCSS), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 25-26