Chracterisation of beta giobin mutations in Sri Lankan patients with betathalassaemia intermedia
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Patients with beta thalassaemia intermedia account for a third of patients attending
thalassaemia clinics in Sri Lanka. They show immense phenotypic diversity, the genetic basis for which has not
been identified so far. Objective were to characterise beta globin gene mutations in Sri Lankan thalassaemia
intermedia patients and to determine how it to influences disease severity.
METHODS: We identified 64 thalassaemia intermedia patients from the five main thalassaemia centers; Anuradhapura
(n= 6), Kuruncgala (n= 4), Ragama (n= 42), Badulla (n=7) and Chilaw (n=5). Their beta globin DNA sequences
were analyzed using ABI PRISM 313lx genetic analyser.
RESULTS: Of sixteen patients identified to be homozygous for beta mutations, eleven carried mild beta alleles, IVSI 5
G_C (n= 10) and a rare homozygous promoter mutation - 90 C_T (N=l). Other five were shown to have different
types of severe iputations in homozygous state. Nearly half the sample (n=39) was heterozygous for beta mutations.
Of them 33 showed mild to severe mutation in one of the alleles IVSI-5 G_C (n=12), IVSI-1 G_A (n= 11) were the
commonest. Two patients who were hetcrozygones for beta mutation had a highly unstable Hb variant haemoglobin
Mizuho causing severe haemolytic anacma. Hb variants Hb G-Szuhu and Hb G-Coushatta were identified in two
CONCLUSIONS: We identified types of beta mutations in some patients with thalassaemia intermedia, which account
for the clinical severity.
Oral Presentation Abstract (OP 44), 126th Anniversary Scientific Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 10th-13th July 2013 Colombo, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Medical Association, 126th Anniversary Scientific Medical Congress. 2013; 58 Supplement 1: 28