A Critical Study of the Evolution of Cittaviprayuktasamskhiiras with reference to Theravada and Sarvastivada Sources of Abhidhamma

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Postgraduate institute of pali and buddhist studies, University of Kelaniya


Sarvastivada Abhidhamma is the most factual Abhidhamma that developed against Theravada Abhidhamma. Since Sarvastivada tradition has been developing as a new tradition, it is nourished with philosophical and logical speculations. The result of the process is the Abhidhamrna. In the Paficavastuka of Vasumitra's Abhidharmaprakarana-sastra, the five-group classification into riipa, citta, caitta-s, viprayukta-samskiira-s and asamskrta-s came into vogue. The viprayukta-samskdra-s, the conditionings dis joined from thought represent a distinctive doctrinal development in Sarvastivada which is not found in Theravada. However, when the Four Ultimate Realities in Theravada Abhidhamma are examined, the relevant dhammas to Citta­ viprayukta-samskiira-s can be found. Citta-viprayukta-samskiira-s emerged in Sarvastivada tradition because of the doctrinal disputes that exist among the Theravada Buddhist schools. In Paficavastuka, the totality of citta-viprayukta-samskiira-s is given under sixteen categories. However, in a more advanced manner, the number of fourteen citta-viprayukta­ samskiira-s are enumerated in Abhidharmakosabhasya as priipti, apriipti, nikiiya­ sabhiiga, iisamjiiika, asamjiii-somiipatti, nirodha-samiipatti; jivitendriya; jiui-laksana; sthiti-laksana, jarii-laksana, anityatii-laksana, niima-kiiya, pada-kiiya, vyaiijana-kiiya. When the characteristics of the Citta-viprayukta-samskdra-s are examined, the most reliable dhammas are fourteen modes of consciousnesses (kicca-samgahay. The purpose of this dissertation is to show the fluency of the Theravada scholars in search of reliable analysis for the �nd and matter in relation to the Sarvastivada scholars. Therefore, what they have categorized as citta-vipprayukka­ samskiira-s cannot be put into such a group because there is no conscious outside of the psycho-physio combination (nama-rapai. The fourteen dharmas given in Sarvastivada tradition should be analyzed under the category of fourteen modes of consciousnesses (kicca-samgahay.



Abhidhamma, Theravada


Ven. Ilukewela Dhammarathana. (2018). A Critical Study of the Evolution of Cittaviprayuktasamskhiiras with reference to Theravada and Sarvastivada Sources of Abhidhamma. M.Phil. Thesis, Postgraduate institute of pali and buddhist studies, University of Kelaniya. Thesis 136




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