E-Learning Techniques for Teaching and Learning Hindi as a Foreign Language
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Indo-Sri Lanka Hindi Conference-2017.Department of Hindi Studies,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
This study, ‘E-learning of Hindi: Identity and Possibilities’ will primarily cover the justification for using E-learning techniques for teaching and learning Hindi as a foreign language, specially to the heritage learners like Sinhalese speakers having strong cultural ties with India for the last thousands of years. Linguistically speaking, Hindi and Sinahala share the common Indo-Aryan family. Besides, both languages are a part of same linguistic zone like all languages spoken in South East Asia. The scripts of both languages have also been originated from the same Brahmi script used in the inscriptions of Ashoka in North Central India, dating to 250-232 BC. E-learning breaks the four boundaries of class room, limited texts of prescribed lessons of and limited knowledge of the teachers. This is 24×7 education using the extensive knowledge available on the web. To me the teachers are not only teachers, but they are also motivators and facilitators.
E-learning, techniques, Hindi, South East Asia, cultural ties
Malhotra,V.K.(2017).E-Learning Techniques for Teaching and Learning Hindi as a Foreign Language.Indo-Sri Lanka Hindi Conference-2017.Department of Hindi Studies,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 4.