An Investigative Study on The Challenges Faced by University Libraries to Establish the Green Library Concept: with Special Reference to The Library of University of Kelaniya

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International Research Conference of Uwa Wellassa University, Uwa Wellassa University, Sri Lanka.


University of Kelaniya has been functioning as the first green state university in Sri Lanka since 2015. Center for sustainable solutions and Nature club of the university accomplish a national and an international service to the world. On account of these, the library of university of Kelaniya is supposed to extend its contribution in this regard. But, such a contribution is not evident. In view of that, the objective of this research was to identify the challenges and barriers faced by this library and suggest the most suitable solutions for those. 5 main fields namely, library building, collection, information systems, practices and programs or services were defined to measure the contribution of the library with regard to the green concept. The primary data was collected from randomly selected 5 academic staff members by conducting interviews and self-observations. The collected data revealed that the library adheres to some green practices such as construction of the new library building as to get the maximum benefit of day light and natural air, acquisition of electronic sources, library automation, waste and electronic disposal management. Although they practice green concept up to some extent, the library cannot be named as a green library yet. The causes of this situation were identified as the demand for the electronic sources requested by the departments are considerably low. As a result, the space and the furniture allocated for print materials are gradually increasing. Although the library has already been automated, still they use paper for many functions. Although the library automation creates a paperless environment in the library, computers and server machines used for the automation produce CO2 emission for 8 hours per day. In the old library building, number of fans and lights are operated by a same switch. The production of electricity through solar panel, prevention of misuse of electricity during the working hours, application of cloud computing systems instead of huge server machines, minimizing the paper usage with the use of RFID system, sending circulation notifications via E-mail, encouraging the consumers to use e- resources, provision of smart boards for discussion group, educating the library staff and consumers about green library concept can be used as the solutions to overcome the barriers of making the library green. If this library could apply these solutions innovatively, it will benefit our environment, and also the consumers will enjoy the new library environment which is both environmentally friendly and user friendly.



Green concept, Green university, Green library concept, University libraries


Warnasooriya, Thrishala (2019, February). An investigative study on the challenges faced by university libraries to establish the green library concept: with special reference to the library of University of Kelaniya. [Paper presentation]. International Research Conference of Uwa Wellassa University, Uwa Wellassa University, Sri Lanka.



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