Belt and Road Initiative and the Geopolitics of China’s Pandemic Diplomacy
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Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies
The Belt and Road Initiative launched in 2013 is widely considered as the main
intercontinental development program ever. As Haralambides & Merk have noted
the BRI aims to achieve greater economic integration and development through
better connectivity. While the perceptions on the real aims behind China’s BRI
remains widely divided, over 100 states have joined the project. The majority
of the BRI projects take place regions suffer from a shortage of infrastructure
investment funding. For example, the majority of the BRI projects take place in
Asia and according to Asian Development Bank (ADB) statistics, US$ 1.7 trillion
per year should be invested to develop infrastructure in Asia until 2030 to maintain
its growth momentum, tackle poverty, and respond to climate Change.
Wijesinghe, Hashan(2021),Belt and Road Initiative and the Geopolitics of China’s Pandemic Diplomacy,Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies,20p