Efficacy of LodradiLepa as a face cream on YuwanaPidaka
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1st International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine – ICEIM – 2018, Organized by Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Acne is a multifactorial disease exhibiting distinct clinical presentations. Among
them, the cat menial type is a matter of concern for young women. The present
study aimed to evaluate the effect of overnight applications of paste made of
Lotlhradi Lepa which contains Lodhra (Symplocus rasemosa), Dhanyaka
(Coriandrum sativum) and Vacha (Acorus calamus). The herbal extracts used here
were of the plants described in Sharangadhara Samhita. The efficacy of the
treatment using the external application has been assessed through conduct oftrial
in 30 patients for 3 months in a randomized. Thirty patients participated to clinical
trial and completed successfully. All the patients were available to obtain
measurements at all the measuring sessions. No one has complained about any
c, Terience about allergy, infections or discomfort at any time that they have
encountered during the follow up. Before the treatment period, 30% of patients
'were having more than 1 1 pidaka on face and after the 2 weeks treatment period
patients were not having more than Il ofpidaka 53% of patients who had 6 to 10
of affected area decreased to 23 % of patients. Before the treatment period, 23% of
patients were having continuous pain of lesion and after 4 weeks, 20% of patients
'.vere having it. Itching and burning senation also markedly reduce after the 4
weeks of treatment. These results were proved that the face cream has worked well
on reducing no ofpidaka of face
Mukha Lepa, face pack, beauty care cosmetics
Peiris, K.P.P., Samaranayake G.V.P., Dissanayake, D.M.G.L.B. Efficacy of LodradiLepa as a face cream on YuwanaPidaka, 1st International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine – ICEIM – 2018, Organized by Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 4th-5th October 2018, 54pp.