Waste Management System in Anuradhapura Sacred City and its Environmental Impact
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University of Kelaniya
Waste has been defined as “any matter prescribed to be waste and any matter whether liquid, solid,
gaseous or radioactive which are discharged, emitted or deposited in the environment in such volume,
constituency or manner as to cause an alteration of the environment”, (National Environmental Act,
The absence of an appropriate solid waste management system in the Anuradhpura sacred area has
direct adverse effects on environment and health from polythene and plastics. “The uncontrolled
fermentation of garbage creates a food source and habitat for bacterial growth in the same
environment, insects, rodents and some bird species proliferate and act as passive vectors in the
transmission of some infectious diseases”, (Gerarard Kiely).
One of the objectives of this research is to identify the solid waste composition of plastics and
polythene collected in the Anuradhapura municipality. Also it is to identify possible sources of waste
(polythene/plastic) generation. Further it proposes plastic/polythene (waste) minimization
techniques/methods eg: recycling/reuse/reduction.
Required data include the information of present waste generations, waste collection methods and the
waste management system. They can be gathered from Anuradapura Municipal Council, citizens, and
devotees with discussions, direct interviews and questionnaires. Public comments are taken from the
people. Data analysis was carried out from the data about the sacred city area. This analysis of data
would help to identify whether educating of various communities would be the sufficient way to
overcome the existing problem or not. It also gives an indication about whether it is necessary to have
a suitable waste management system to minimize the environmental consequences and impact in the
city area. This would help to have sustainable development not only in the area considered, but also
in other similar areas as well.
Koggalage, R. and Ranaweera, K.R.K.S.N., 2012. Waste Management System in Anuradhapura Sacred City and its Environmental Impact, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2012, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 100.