The Service Rendered to Preserve the Buddhist Shasana in Sri Lanka, by Ven.Weliwita Sri Saranankara Sangharaja Thero
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4th International Conference on Social Sciences 2018, Research Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
This paper examines the cultural heritage of Buddhism and the value of Buddhist Sasana in Sri
Lanka through the service fulfilled by Ven. Weliwita Sri Saranankara Sangaraja thero to
preserve Buddhism. The main purpose of this research is to find out the sasanika work done
by this great Buddhist scholar and to draw public attention to preserve the decaying cultural
heritage in rural areas in Kandy district. The author discusses the personal information of this
great scholar and the difficulties he faced in his young age as a Buddhist monk to save
Buddhism in the face of the influence of non-Buddhist beliefs existed in Kandiyan kingdom at
that time. Religion is the key indicator of the culture of Sri Lanka and it also depicts its heritage.
The field of this research is the history of Sri Lanka in the 16th and the 18th century. It is
observed that many social factors affected this monk’s sasanika work during his life time. The
author has conducted a literary survey and field-work to gather relevant historical facts to
estimate his service and to provide a sufficient description. After the investigation of historical
facts of the written history, existing temples where the monk used to live, the house where he
was born, his relations, livelihood, and the books and other documents written by him were
also looked into. The following conclusions were arrived at: the biographical information of
this great character has not been exposed to the society and his work has only being used by
the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka; no proper actions were taken to preserve this scholar’s work
and life and his knowledge and also his works has not being exposed to the society in general.
Suggestions of the author in this regard is: to preserve the biographical information of this great
scholar and to preserve the existing evidence about him for the 21st century and to include the
learning about this great scholar’s importance to the Sri Lanka in the school curriculum
Weliwita saranankarasangaraja thero, Buddhist shasana, Heritage, Buddhist culture, Kandyan kingdom, Suriyagoda temple
Rathnayake, D.M.A.S.P. (2018). The Service Rendered to Preserve the Buddhist Shasana in Sri Lanka, by Ven.Weliwita Sri Saranankara Sangharaja Thero.4th International Conference on Social Sciences 2018, Research Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p80