Anatomical dimension of the Caudate lobe of the liver
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University of Kelaniya
On the posterior surface of the liver, the Caudate lobe lies between the inferior vena cava and the fissure for the ligamentum venosum. It is connected to the right lobe of the liver by the Caudate process. However, functionally it belongs to the left lobe. In left hepatic lobectomy, the left lobe together with most of the Caudate lobe is removed. Furthermore, the diameters of right lobe and Caudate lobe have been used to distinguish between the normal and cirrhotic livers. This study was carried out to establish the anatomical dimensions of the Caudate lobe in a group of adult Sri Lankans.
A total of 26 apparently healthy livers obtained from formalin fixed cadavers were studied. The Caudate lobe was measured along its maximum antero-posterior and transverse diameters using a sliding caliper capable of measuring to the nearest 0.01 mm. Maximum transverse diameter of the right lobe of the liver was taken to compare the ratio between the right lobe and the Caudate lobe.
The mean maximum antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the Caudate lobe was 51.6 ± 4.6 mm and 27.6 ± 4.5 mm respectively. The transverse diameter of the right lobe was 85.05± 13.2 mm. The mean ratio of the transverse diameter of the Caudate lobe to that of the right lobe was found to be 0.32 ± .06.
The results of the study demonstrate the anatomical dimensions established for the Caudate lobe for a group of adult Sri Lankan population. These data will facilitate in improving the outcome of surgical procedures of the liver.
Widanagama, M.A., Prabodha, L.B.L., Palahepitiya, K.N., Nanayakkara, B.G., Ilayperuma, I. and Hasan, R., 2011. Anatomical dimension of the Caudate lobe of the liver, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2011, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 188.