Histological and ultra-structural changes in enpothelial cells of the placenta in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

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Sri Lanka Medical Association


INTRODUCTION: The maternal syndrome of pre-eclampsia is thought to result from a generalized vascular endothelial cell disturbance caused by a circulating factor probably derived from the placenta. Objective: Study the histological and ultra-structural changes of endothelial cells, so that the contribution of these changes to the pathogenesis of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can be understood. METHOD: Placentae of 150 normal pregnancies and 200 hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were selected for this study. Tissue from the fetal surface was obtained for microscopic examination. Electron microscopic examination was done on 20 normal placentae and 30 placentae from hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. RESULTS: Histologically there were no significant changes in the normal group and in the group with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Ultra-structurally significant changes were observed in golgi bodies, mitochondria, pinocytotic vesicles, rough endoplasmic reticulum, glycogen and interaction with pericytic processes in the endothelial cells of the placentae with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy when compared to normal placentae. CONCLUSIONS: Significant changes were observed in endothelial cells at the ultrastructural level in the placentae of women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.


Sri Lanka Medical Association, Anniversary Academis Session, 113th Annual Academic Sessions Abstracts (OP32), March 22-25 2000. Colombo


ultra-structural changes


Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, Anniversary Academis Sessions. 2000; 113: 42



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