A Study on Divergent English Translations for ‘Bhavaṅga’.
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The Third International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka, ICLSL 2017. Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
The term bhavaṅga of the Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy is predominant due to many reasons. When studying the discourses of the Buddha, this term cannot be found anywhere in the basket of discourses (suttapitaka). Therefore, it is to be believed that this term is a production of later disciples of the Buddhist Philosophy. It is, to be believed that this term appeared, for the first time, in the Abhidhamma treaties which were composed soon after the Buddha‟s parinibbāna (passing away). Although, its history began with the oldest Abhidhamma compilations, the uppermost development of it is distinguished in the latter period of Theravāda Buddhist philosophy. In other words, it is implied that this term appears to be the basis of the entire Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy. As a result, various kinds of interpretations exist among the scholars who write on the Theravāda Buddhist philosophy, to elucidate the nature and real meaning of the Buddhist Philosophical term bhavaṅga. Hence, it has been difficult to select an exact and more appropriate translation to convey the accurate sense of the term. Therefore, this research focuses in distinguishing the most convenient translation of the term by scrutinizing almost all translations that have been given for the term so far.
Concept of Bhavaṅga, Development, Scholars‟ Intention, Translation
Wijayawimala Thero, Suriyawewa. and Sugunaseela Thero, Yakkaduwe. (2017). A Study on Divergent English Translations for ‘Bhavaṅga’. The Third International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka, ICLSL 2017. Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p141.