මුද්රා සන්නිවේදනය තුල පවතින සන්නිවෙදනාර්ථ හා අන්තර් සංස්කෘතික ලක්ෂණ .
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Non-verbal communication can be identified in traditional society. Methods of non-verbal
communications are studied in this research and basically a deep study was done regarding hand
gestures. Anention was given for three subject areas in this research. Basic objective of this
research is to identify hand gestures in iconology and dancing and identifying communication
meanings of hand gestures as a sign language. Way of using hand gestures for personal
communications. analytical exploration of communication meanings generating from hand
gestures. way orusing hand gestures in communication methods in common practices and studying
inter cultural characteristics or those arc other objectives of this research.
It was investigated using both qualitative & quantitative research methods about analysis
method of question: "'what will be communicated using hand gestures rclated to above fields?""
Therefore subject base ethnology was used as per qualitative research method and surveying
method was used as per quantitative research method. Commonly including of hand gestures were
considered under two aspects as per these two methods. Those arc media contents and readers'
Related to the research: "Communication Meanings and Inter Cultural Characteristics of
Gesture Communication". data analysis was done according to semiological analysis by content
anal)1ical studying of similarities and differences. Conclusions were made alier identifying inter
cultural characteristics.
Hand gestures, communication, communication meanings, Inter-culture, Dancing, Statue
Mallawaarachci, K.P. (2017). මුද්රා සන්නිවේදනය තුල පවතින සන්නිවෙදනාර්ථ හා අන්තර් සංස්කෘතික ලක්ෂණ . M.Phil thesis. University of Kelaniya.