පැරණි හා මධ්යකාලින ශ්රී ලංකාවේ වෛද්ය ඉතිහාසය රෝග ප්රතිශේධ ව්යපසමනෝප ක්රම
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Neither comprehensive nor direct attempt has been so far made to study medical history ofancient Sri Lanka. It is also not given special attention to the method of controlling andpreventing diseases. The previous studies have been confined themselves to randomsurveys by some scholars. Our study carried out using primary and secondary sources hasbrought to light that there was a well-developed medical system with its necessary aspectsin Sri Lanka during the period between (c.) 600 BC up to 1600 AC. It was further reveledthat this medical system was an outcome of the mixture of indigenous medical system andIndian Ayurvedic system which was greatly influenced by Buddhist philosophy. There arealso texts written on various branches of medical field in the Island in Sanskrit and Sinhalaand Tamil languages.In this study the influence of kings' patronage for the development and evolution ofmedical system, the hospitals and other medical centers prevailed in ancient and medievalSri Lanka, general and popular methods of preventing, controlling and curing ailments aredealt with. Aspects of alternate medicine such as magic spells, incantations and charms,enchantments, methods of dispelling infant seizing evils were also taken for discussion. Aparticular attention has been made to discuss the pirit chanting, a Buddhist way ofcontrolling, preventing and healing certain diseases and dispelling the influence of badspirits and evils. By means of such rituals as chanting pirit, incantations of magic spellshaving developed sound mental state and at the same time taking drugs Sri Lanka has haddeveloped a unique medical system. It is a fact there is no conclusive evidence to believethe story of Ravana but it is commonly accepted that Sri Lankan medical system is derivedfrom this mythical figure. In Sri Lanka there was a well-developed pediatric medical system.To control and prevent the child from being infected and influenced by evil spirits therewere effective methods. At the very early stage the infant is subject to attack by infectionsand bacteria. The main reason for that is that at the tender stage the immune system ofliving beings is normally weak. So foreign elements had to be introduced to the child systemin order resist such attacks. Among these introductions keeping contacts the child withdifferent herbs and trampling him on them, applying same on his body played a significantrole. The primary reason responsible for the prevalence of such a developed medical systemwas the patronage by the rulers. Dutugemunu who ruled at about the 2nd century BCintroduced a systematic medical service. His project included to appoint a physician forevery ten village, planting medical herbs, paying emoluments to physicians, & etc. He wasfollowed by a number of his successors such as Vasabha, Voharikatissa, Upatissa,Buddhadasa, Sena I, Mahinda II, Udaya I, Kassapa IV and Parakkamabahu I. It was but asalient feature of Sri Lankan medical system that using the Buddhist method ofpsychotherapy coupled with herbal medicine for the purpose of treating ailments,controlling and preventing diseases. This demonstrates the fact that Sri Lankan medicalsystem acknowledged the interrelation between spiritual strength and the effect of drugwas important for treating ailments, controlling and preventing diseases.
medical system, controlling and preventing, diseases, indigenous medicine, Ayurveda
Wijerathne,G.D.P.D.(2016). පැරණි හා මධ්යකාලින ශ්රී ලංකාවේ වෛද්ය ඉතිහාසය රෝග ප්රතිශේධ ව්යපසමනෝප ක්රම. M.Phil.Thesis, University of Kelaniya.