A Study on Methods of Yoga Practicality Taught in the Path of the Dhamma in Kaguyth-pa Sect
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Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Tantric religious sect was introduced for the first time in India (Bharatha) and
expounded up to Tibet, China and Japan but it inveterated only in Tibet where it
still exists in practice. Tantrism is a significant tradition among main Buddhist
traditions existing in the world. This tradition which began with the third "Dharma
Chakra Pravathanaya" is considered as a neo Buddhist tradition in classical
religious history. Present Tibet Buddhism is named as "Vajrayana" Tibet Tantric
religion consists of a number of subsidiary sects out of which one sect is open for
laity by the name of "Karguyth- Pa" tantric religions sect comprises of very
complex meditative techniques. It is very important to study the ways of its
teachings in order to understand the extent of its complexities. Six significant
Tantric yoga systems have been introduced by one of the educator named
"Naropa". They are ‘in heat Yoga, illusory body yoga, forcefull projection yoga,
clear light yoga, bordo yoga and concionsness transternce yoga’’. It implies from
studying these yoga methods as to what extent these have been affiliated with the
human life. There is a preparatory activity named "Mahamudra" methodology to
be performed by the yogi as a training prior to fostering yoga. This is s meditative
technique between Mahayanaism and Tantrism. Main expectation of this
meditation process is to identity the human mind and its workings and to bring it to
control the same by self. Objective of this research paper is to study as to how
yoga will virtually assist the practical life by its socialization.
Tantric, in heat Yoga, illusory body yoga, forcefully projection yoga, clear light yoga, bordo yoga and consciousness transference yoga
Dissanayaka, D.M.P. 2016. A Study on Methods of Yoga Practicality Taught in the Path of the Dhamma in Kaguyth-pa Sect. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), 04th November 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 62.