Does the University Education System in Sri Lanka create Racism among Minority Students?

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English Language Teaching Unit, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


Education is the stream where people gather knowledge for their lives. Knowledge is the weapon we all use for building up our own careers and it is the mastery of oneself. Knowledge should not have a medium rather it is the miscellaneous review by the educators. Knowledge should be disseminated among the people who need it in a way that everyone can simply grasp. Sri Lanka is a country which is in a post war situation where most of the things need changes to build up the mentality of the victims. Therefore, education has become a prime factor of the society, that everyone needs an equally. Hence, this study examines, “how language affects their experience as minority students in the University of Kelaniya.” However, this study is an attempt to discuss about the issues that the minority ethnic groups have to face, when they are supposed to study in a different medium and to study in a Sinhala background. The scope of this study is a general overview of the issues and ideas of the victims who are suffering due to this complication. I will conduct interviews and collect data from questionnaires and analyze the ideas of the students and this will be conducted in the university premises of Kelaniya. The questionnaire data will be analyzed statistically and discourse analysis will be used to analyze the interview data. This study will conclude by suggesting a best way to overcome from these issues.



racism, minority, university, post-war, education


Nayanahari, D. 2016. Does the University Education System in Sri Lanka create Racism among Minority Students?. Junior Research Symposium on English Language Education for World Citizenship: Challenges and Opportunities, English Language Teaching Unit, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 19.



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