An Attempted Crowd and Floor Management System
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Department of Statistics & Computer Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
This research article represents a system which enhances crowd handling and floor management techniques created with the assistance of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) and proximity beacons (BLE). With an aid of a desktop application crowd at a particular event/party will be observed with the use of CCTV cameras, which contains a video surveillance system. Video processing will also be used to keep track of a specific number of people roaming around an area and to make sure that no one enters any restricted areas. The visitors who arrive into a particular event will have a mobile application, which would guide them to navigate throughout an entire area and make sure that they do not visit any restricted areas. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) Proximity beacons will be used send signals throughout the generated map containing stalls Via Bluetooth; it also indicates the restricted areas on the map with the aid of the mobile application. This system will be beneficial for both organizers and visitors, organizers will finally find it easy to keep track of people and the visitors will be able to visit the areas they wish to without any difficulty.
crowd handling, floor management, CCTV, video processing, video surveillance, Bluetooth, BLE proximity iBeacons
Bandara, R.M.C., De Silva, L.N.B., Bandara, D.D.M.M., Silva, R.L.C. and Guruge, I. 2016. An Attempted Crowd and Floor Management System. Symposium on Statistical & Computational Modelling with Applications (SymSCMA – 2016), Department of Statistics & Computer Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 55-59.