Significance of mindfulness and clear comprehension (sati-sampajañña) for material and spiritual development

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International Conference on the Humanities (ICH 2018/2019), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


Mindfulness and clear comprehension (sati-sampajañña) play significant role in implementing both material and spiritual development among human being. Working without sati-sampajañña generates problems and failures, whereas working with sati-sampajañña leads to successful material and spiritual enrichment. This research is a textual and critical approach which gathered data from the discourses. This observation involves applying sati-sampajañña with right thought, right speech and right action for material development and utilizing sati-sampajañña in satipaṭṭhāna practice for liberation. Thought with sati-sampajañña generates right thought which brings good benefits. Thought without sati-sampajañña causes wrong ideas which results in problems and sufferings. Speaking without mindfulness is dishonest. Hence, one should be mindful and have a clear comprehension in whatever talked or discussed. One should speak at the proper time, what is true, gently and beneficial with loving kindness described in Vācā Sutta. Performing work without sati-sampajañña cannot implement tasks. To develop wealth, enhance the standards of living and increase the values of man, one should perform careers and responsibilities by sati-sampajañña with right action. Thus, sati-sampajañña is important to apply in humanity for material development. Further, for spiritual improvement, sati-sampajañña is a part of the contemplation of the body in satipaṭṭhāna practice. In the Satipaṭṭhāna sutta, this practice is required to establish four mental qualities: diligence, clear comprehension, mindfulness and freedom from covetousness and dejection. A meditator acts with a clear comprehension when going forward and returning, looking ahead and looking away, etc. While standing, walking, sitting, lying and eating, he is mindful and have a clear comprehension to prevent obstacles and increases spiritual development. The Papañcasūdanī signifies that clear comprehension has fourfold: purposefulness, suitability, resort and non-delusion. Sati-sampajañña also deals with dwelling in equanimity towards mindfulness and clear comprehension. This highlights that one should cultivate sati-sampajañña for spiritual liberation. Mindfulness and clear comprehension (sati-sampajañña) are vital importance for individual who seeks material development and spiritual liberation. Utilizing sati-sampajañña with right thought, right speech and right action generate wealth. Through contemplating sati-sampajañña in satipaṭṭhāna meditation, one can be removed from covetousness and dejections, not clinging to world and obtaining purification of beings from all defilements.



sati-sampajañña, right action, development, meditation, liberation


Ven. Jatila (2018). Significance of mindfulness and clear comprehension (sati-sampajañña) for material and spiritual development. International Conference on the Humanities (ICH 2018/2019), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p33




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