ජංගම වෙළෙඳුන්ගේ ජීවන තත්ත්වයේ ගුණාත්මකභාවය
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The intent of this research is to recognize the nature of the quality of mobile traders’ life
style. The significant features manifested herein is to find solutions for difficulties faced
by mobile traders. Problem of the research is to identify the quality of living standard of
mobile traders. The significant features are the impacts on the quality and problems
caused in mobile trading. Realistic approach in the research methodology has been
adopted as a quantitative research technique. Survey methodology has been adopted as
the research technique. The method of case study has also been used herein. Conducting
of interviews and questionnaires are also recognized as a data collection methodology.
When analyzing data, S.P.S.S. software has been introduced. Quality of life style of
mobile traders are compared with three indices in data analysis such as Physical Living
Index, Living Index and Human Development Index. The purposive or judgment
sampling has been adopted as research samples. The field of research based on this
survey is the C.T.B. Central bus stand, BastianMawatha bus stand, Pettah within the
Divisional Secretariat Division, Colombo in the District Secretariat, Colombo and
vicinity of several bus stands and nearby cross roads set up within the administrative
boundary of the Divisional Secretariat, Colombo. There are about 100 data contributors
being made use in this study. Number of 13 data contributors have been used in the
interview sample of case study in respect of qualitative facts. Conclusions have been
drawn by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data received out from the above case
study. Following features have been found in the study carried out on sixteen major
facts. Living standard of mobile traders are high as well as the literacy rate. Their high
per capita income makes their family lives more success. No infant deaths. Areas where
they reside geographically feasible and climate conditions are conducive. Life
expectancy in both parties are high. Health is also in a higher position. They are healthy.
There are higher number of trade union membership holders. There is life security, less
unemployment, political freedom as well as higher level in sexual equality. There are
five matters on which quality is comparatively less. According to conclusion arrived at,
they have poor savings, less tendency towards religion, less purchasing ability, less jobs
and political security. One of major challenges that they are facing at present as well as
in future is whether they could proceed ahead with this type of trade, despite high living
standard. Prevention of trading on roads and ways, payments and inside buses have
been empowered by Laws and Acts such as Roads and Ways Act, Police Ordinance and
Passenger permits of National Transport Commission. In this circumstances, engaging
in trade on roads and ways, pavements and even in buses is somewhat a challenging
Mobile Trader, Mobile Trading, Quality of Living Standard
Wijesinghe, D. R. S. (2020). ජංගම වෙළෙඳුන්ගේ ජීවන තත්ත්වයේ ගුණාත්මකභාවය. MPhil Thesis. University of Kelaniya.