Limits in Aristotle's Analysis about Comedy.

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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


Aristotle ^384-322& Greek philosopher and scientist' Out of all his compositions" the poetic text named —Poetics˜ could be identified a base for the western literary criticism. It is true that certain facts related to literary criticism have been subjected to discussion even during earlier times' But —Poetics˜ could be identified as the oldest text which was composed related to the nature of western literary criticism' Aristotle selected the combination' of tragedy" comedy and epics for his literary analysis' Although" Aristotle regards tragedy as a superior literary element his consideration about comedy is not so impressive as for Aristotle' The text poetics mostly discusses about tragedy' It is remarkably clear that Aristotle is exercing his effort to prove that comedy is element that gives a higher amusement through his analyses' although the present day comedies are arguably in a lower standard of enjoyment it could be observed that comedies of olden days have been successful in presenting social problems within a scope of artistic models' Therefore comedies of also are not any artistic elements that could be under-estimated through any means' Comedy producers too do possess abilities of producing complex social problems surpassing the aspect of humor' Therefore it could be concluded that there is sufficient room to investigate into the short comings in the analysis of Aristotle regarding comedies'



Aristotle, Comedy, Poetics, Tragedy, Western literary criticism


Pavithrani.C. (2017). Limits in Aristotle's Analysis about Comedy. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.67.




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