Detection of Leishmania donovani DNA within field-caught Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in three cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic foci of Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka
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ABSTRACT: Leishmaniasis is a parasitic infection transmitted through the bite of female phlebotomine sand flies. Microscopy is the gold standard to detect parasites within the sand flies and for vector incrimination. However, molecular-based detection has become more popular nowadays in the identification of Leishmania parasites since it provides detection and species identification simultaneously with no need of laborious procedures. The entomological surveys were conducted monthly from May to October 2017 using standard entomological techniques. Field-caught sand flies were identified to the species level followed by DNA extraction. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using species-specific primers to detect Leishmania donovani parasites. A total of 1,662 sand flies were encountered from the entomological surveys, and the majority of them were Phlebotomus argentipes (n = 1517; 91.27%), while others were Sergentomyia punjabiensis (n = 140; 8.72%). Leishmania donovani parasite DNA was detected only from P. argentipes (2.3%; n = 2). The detection of Leishmania DNA in P. argentipes suggests the possible role of this species as a vector for leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka.
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Phlebotomine Sand Flies
Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2021; 2021:6650388.