The quality of Television children’s cartoon Programs in Sri Lanka; With reference to Gampaha divisional secretariat
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Research Symposium 2010 - Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya
Today civil society affected by mass media. It has a big power to change the audience behaviour.It is audio visual media and it has a more popularity than some other media. Television has not only financial satisfaction and but also educational and entertainment objectives. Television created a lot of programs to focus various levels of the audience, such as young generation, elder people and children also. Now television mostly aims children for their programs.It has been a big completion among the TV channels. Children’s cartoon programs have more popularity than other children’s programs. In general a cartoon is a piece of art, usually developed for humorous intent. A cartoon series is a set of regularly presented animated episodes with a common series title, usually related to one another.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. Children have not developed a full enough spectrum of emotions, thoughts and experiences to be treated as relevant members of society. Human Child Mentality has grave repercussions in a young person's life, the primary one being inability to express.
Objective of this research is to identity the quality of Television children’s cartoon Programs in Sri Lanka.Methodology of this research is comprised two vital research methods. They are comparative method and survey method. Interviews and observation are used as tools of data collection. I selected children’s cartoon programs on National Rupavahini and Sirasa TV and selected two pre- schools and two national schools in the Gampaha district. This is an in depth study on a socio-psychological analysis on quality of Television children’s cartoon Programs in Sri Lanka. There are different views about cartoons. Some cartoon programs are not in good standard we can’t compare local creations and imported cartoons in same level because there are differences in creativity. That high level of violence in cartoons can make children more aggressive. We found that young children tend to mimic the negative behavior they see on television. Preschoolers are being exposed to a large number of violent acts in cartoons.
Research Symposium; 2010