Implementation of E-learning System for Hindi Subject .
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Indo-Sri Lanka Hindi Conference-2017.Department of Hindi Studies,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
E-learning can be viewed as computer assisted learning, and as pedagogy for student centered and collaborative learning. E-learning presents an entirely new learning environment for students, thus requiring different skills set to be successful. E-learning will contribute towards development of critical thinking, and evaluation skills that are growing in importance as students have increasing volumes of information from a variety of sources to sort through. Also, particularly in Hindi courses that are entirely electronic, students will be much more independent than in the traditional setting. However, conversion of present programs requires that the Hindi courses be highly motivating, attractive and independent, with less social interaction with peers or an instructor. Students in online courses tend to do as well as those in classrooms, but there is also higher incidence are withdrawal or incomplete grades. Therefore, the project of planning these e-learning Hindi courses involves three principal activities: Design, Implementation and proper post- implementation Assessment. Efficient execution of these three major activities necessitates the use of design and educational models to achieve the cost and time efficiency, as well as high academic quality. Utilization of online educational systems would benefit a structured approach to design, implementation, and student's assessment. We propose a general formulation of model as well as a framework for finding such patterns, so that it can improve the online educational systems for both lecturers and students- allowing for more accurate assessment and more effective evaluation of the learning process.
E-learning, collaborative learning, social interaction, online educational systems, learning process
Fernando, W.C.M.(2017).Implementation of E-learning System for Hindi Subject .Indo-Sri Lanka Hindi Conference-2017.Department of Hindi Studies,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 8.