Histological study of macroscopically normal mucosa adjacent to tumour in colorectal resection specimens
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College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka
OBJECTIVE: To study the histological features of macroscopically normal mucosa in colorectal carcinoma specimens and attempt to correlate the severity of these changes and the distance of the mucosa from the tumour. METHOD: Ninety three resection margins from 52 specimens were categorized according to the distance from the tumour, 0-1cm, 1.1-5cm and more than 5cm. The histological parameters assessed included, lymphoid aggregates, acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, crypt distortion and villous change. These were graded as absent, mild, moderate and severe. The presence of intraepithelial lymphocytes, cystically dilated ducts and epithelial erosions were recorded as absent or present. Results were analyzed using Pearson Chi- square test and Fischer-Exact statistics. .RESULTS: The histological features found included, lymphoid aggregates in 40% acute inflammation in 15% chronic inflammation in 16% crypt distortion 17%, cystically dilated glands 21%, epithelial erosion 13% and villous change 32%. The presence of cystically dilated glands showed a significant correlation with the distance from the tumour. CONCLUSION: Varied histopathological features were observed in the mucosa adjacent to the tumour, awareness of which can prevent misinterpretation and over diagnosis of these features.
The Journal of Diagnostic Pathology; 7(1): pp. 33-41