Developing a Multi Criteria Decision Making Framework to Select the Most Suitable Production Line in Apparel Firms: Use of ANP Method
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IEOM Society International
The apparel industry is considered as one of the most labor-intensive industries where production planning and
Control (PPC) is considered as an impoftant function, because of its involvement from scheduling each task i-n the
process till the delivery of customer demand. Line planning is a sub process within PPC, through which the production
orders are allocated to production lines according to its setting and due dates ofproduction completion. The decisions
that address line planning function still heavily rely on the expertise of the ploduction planner. When production
planners are required to select production lines for the production ofa particuiar type ofpioduct, little emphasis has
been placed on ways to apportion ceftain production orders to the most appropriate pioduction system. In thii research,
a framework is developed using Analyical Network Process (ANP) which is a Multi Critlria Decision Making
(MCDM) method, enabling the incorporation of all the planning criteria in the selection of a production line. The
weighted scores obtained by the best alternative production lines are used in a Linear Programming model to optimize
the resource allocation in an apparel firm.
Apparel Production Planning, Production Line Planning, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Analytical Network Method (ANP)
Thalagahage N.T.H, Wijayanayake A.W., & Niwunhella, D.H.H.(2021) Developing a Multi Criteria Decision Making Framework to Select the Most Suitable Production Line in Apparel Firms: Use of ANP Method.IEOM Society International