Impediments in the Socio, Educational, Economic and Political Developments of Muslims
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University of Kelaniya
The main argument of this paper is to analyze the diverse aspects of impediments in the
social, educational, economic and political problems of Sri Lanka during and after the
independence. This had contributed to the development of a modern era period them.
In Sri Lanka the “Muslim, population” is considered as a considerable and measurable
social entity. It had its own development from colonial and post –colonial times. They
are denominated as ‘Muslim Minority’ and a measurable social entity. In Sri Lanka,
Muslims have earned a reputation as traders and businessmen. But infect, the majority
of Muslim population in the island are engaged agricultural but not in commercial
pursuits. There are certain impediments for their developments. One among them is
the corporate – joint family system that tends to inhibit efficient management.
Around the post – colonial period, there were number of problems faced by the Muslims.
Muslims as a ‘Minority’ had to face various problems like other minority communities.
And also, there were number of (mainly two) literary traditions had emerged regarding
the origin and development of the Muslim community. Regarding the political problems,
the Muslim community did not have any representatives in the legislative council. But
Dr. T.B. Jayah was the pioneer in the political field, and the predecessors had to
confront number of difficulties.
The economy of the Muslim community was entirely depended on the trade and
commerce. But the Muslim community in the Eastern Province is predominantly farmers
and their economy depends mainly on the paddy cultivation. There is a considerable
numbers of fishermen also among them they too confront many problems.
In the Educational sphere, they did not show much promise when compare to other
communities. A Very small percentage of them was able to get a good education. But
in due course, they understood the value of education (English medium) and improved
the standard of it. The late Mr. A.M.A. Azeez was very instrumental in up-liftmen the
standard of education. This improved the situation and paved the way for many of
students to enter higher educational institutions.
Implements, Muslim Population, Social Entity Traders and Businessmen, Joint Family System, Paddy Cultivation, Pioneer, Educational Institutions, Fundamental Concepts
Senadhiraja, A., 2005. Impediments in the Socio, Educational, Economic and Political Developments of Muslims, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 170.