Application of molecular genetic markers for genetic resource estimation in cattles in Ukrane
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Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
Introduction: The unique Charolais herd of Ukrainian selection was begun from
1970 by cross breeding with Gray Ukrainian cattle breed. Such hybrids have better
reproductive abilities with maintaining of high meat quality. Now, the problem of
native and local farm animal breeds estimation and conservation must be solved
by the whole complex of current DNA analysis methods. Genomic selection
methods based on a Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) analysis is a widely
used powerful new tool in an animal breeding program, especially some
economically valuable traits genes identification (e.g. growth hormone and milk
proteins genes (caseins and whey proteins) in addition and with the microsatellites
markers investigated for individual identification and paternity testing, but only a
few studies have explored their practical applications for meat production at the
breed level.
Objective: To apply microsatellites markers for meat production at the breed
Methodology: DNA was isolated from the blood of animals by Kawasaki method.
Polymorphism of microsatellite loci was estimated based on 10 markers panel,
recommended by ISAG, using standard reagents Bovine PCR Typing Kit II by the
capillary electrophoresis analysis on ABI PRISM 3110. The Growth Hormone
(GH) and kapa-Casein (CSN3) gene polymorphism were identify by PCR-RFLP
with the specific restriction ferments (AluI and HindII, respectively) in a 2%
agarose gel.
Results: 77 allelic variants of the microsatellite DNA markers were identified, the
largest number of the alleles was observed for TGLA53 locus (12 alleles). All
microsatellites, besides ETH10, showed a high polymorphism level. Sufficiently
high B allele frequency (0,269) of kappa-casein gene was detected and a large
number of animals (50.8%) have the heterozygous AB genotype variant.
Insignificant advantage of V allele (0,511) frequency over L allele (0,489) of
growth hormone gene was identified. Animals with heterozygous LV genotype
prevailed (53.7%), frequencies of homozygous LL and VV genotypes were 0.221
and 0.242 respectively.
Discussion: Results of this study will enhance meat production in the country
Shkavro, N., 2015. Application of molecular genetic markers for genetic resource estimation in cattles in Ukrane. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques Related to Infectious/Genetic Diseases & Human Identification, Molecular Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya.