Attitudes of Sri Lankan physicians towards end oflife decisions and care

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Sri Lanka Medical Association


INTRODUCTION: Despite considerable public interest in legalizing physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in many parts of the world, littie is known about physicians' attitudes toward these practices in Sri Lanka. OBJECTIVE: To assess attitudes of physicians towards end of life care and decision making. DESIGN, SETTING AND METHODS: Data were collected using a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire distributed among 450 physicians and aspiring physicians attending two Annual Academic Sessions. RESULTS: Sixty-six consultant physicians and 204 non-consultant doctors responded to the questionnaire (60% response rate). 262 (97%) were in agreement of palliative care and 63 (23%) of them believed in delivering the best possible care for the terminally ill. 218 (81%) indicated that they would use morphine as a mode of pain relief. But only 51 (19%) doctors said they would administer morphine knowing that it might cause death due to respiratory depression, implying their agreement to the concept of the 'doctrine of double effect'. More consultants [43 (65%)] than other doctors [80 (40%)] would give a 'do not resuscitate" order (p<0.01). Only 30 (11%) of all doctors agreed with active euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide in some instances; the majority [207 (76%)] disagreed with any form of active euthanasia (morally and ethically) for terminally ill patients, even when patients request it. CONCLUSIONS: The majority Sri Lankan physicians are in favour of palliative care for terminally ill patients. More consultants than other doctors would give a 'do not resuscitate' order. The majority would not offer any form of active euthanasia and believe it is morally and ethically incorrect.


Oral Presentation Abstract (OP11), 120th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2007 Colombo, Sri Lanka


Oflife decisions


The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2007; 52(Supplement 1):11



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