Effect of single dose methyl prednisolone in severe illness associated with dengue fever
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Role of steroids in the management of severe illness associated with dengue fever (SIDF) remains controversial. However, steroids are widely used in severe dengue. METHODS: Patients admitted to Professorial Medical Unit, CNTH, with SIDF during the recent dengue fever outbreak, a single dose intravenous methylprednisolone (MP) was administered as a rescue measure. Clinical and management data of 18 such patients (6 males) who were treated with MP (Group A) are presented here. [Definition of SIDF: fever >100F persisting after the fourth day of illness, without evidence of secondary bacterial infection together with a systolic BP <100mmHg and a postural drop of >20mmHg and the presence of or rapidly developing ascites or pleural effusions]. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) rather than crystalloids were used to prevent worsening of third space fluid loss and pulmonary oedema on recovery. RESULTS: The mean(SD) age [yrs] 29 (11), and clinical parameters when SIDF was detected; duration of illness[days]: 5.6(1.9), fever[F]; 102(1) , systolic BP[mmHgj; 91(12), Hb[g/dl]: 14.2(3.1), PCVjTTJ: 42(7.2), platelets[xlOy/L]: 25(13), and resuscitation parameters; crystalloids [L/Kg]: 0.32(0.1), FFP[u]: 2(1.1). deaths: 0/18, time to defervasence[days); 1(2)], time to haemodynamic stability[Hrs]: 5.8(5.8), number needing ICU care 5/18. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary observations appear to suggest beneficial effects of timely given single dose MP in the management of SIDF.
Poster Presentation Abstract (PP15), 123rd Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2010 Colombo, Sri Lanka
dengue fever
The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(Supplement 1):58