Healthy lifestyle profile scale for elderly: A novel tool to assess healthy lifestyle among young elderly live in South Asian settings


BACKGROUND: Many lifestyle modification interventions have been introduced for young elderly population (aged from 60 to 74 years) in Sri Lanka to improve their health and well being. However, little is known about the outcome of those interventions as there is no valid tool available to measure the level of a healthy lifestyle. This study was conducted to develop and validate a new tool to assess the level of healthy lifestyle among young elderly in Sri Lanka. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An operationalized definition of the healthy lifestyle was formulated. Items for the tool were identified following a literature review, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. The content validity of the tool was ensured by the panel of experts. Both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to explore factor structure and construct validity, respectively. The internal consistency, test–retest, and interobserver reliabilities of the tool were also assessed. RESULTS: Sixty two items were identified initially, and they were reduced to 31 based on experts’ opinion. Out of those, 28 items were loaded into 8 factors during the EFA. The results of the CFA showed a satisfactory model fit. Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha >0.7), test–retest, and interobserver reliabilities (Interclass correlation coefficients >0.7) were also found to be satisfactory. CONCLUSIONS: The tool was named the Healthy Lifestyle Profile Scale for Elderly (HLPSE). The HLPSE is a valid and reliable tool to assess the level of healthy lifestyle among Sri Lankan young elderly.


Not Indexed in MEDLINE


Elderly, factor analysis, healthy lifestyle, reliability testing, Sri Lanka, validity


Medicover Journal of Medicine.2024;1(1):30-36



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