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Chemical composition and antl-dlaba:tic properties In leaves of accession of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeytanicum) Sri Wljaya and Sri Gemunu

Show simple item record Sonali, K.A.N. Jayawardena, B.M. 2021-11-01T18:15:57Z 2021-11-01T18:15:57Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Sonali, K.A.N. and Jayawardena, B.M. (2020) Chemical composition and antl-dlaba:tic properties In leaves of accession of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeytanicum) Sri Wljaya and Sri Gemunu,Sri lanka association for the advancement of science en_US
dc.description.abstract Clnnamomum zeyJanlcum fs an evergreen tropical tree which Is proven to have hypoglycaemic properties. Proa.nthocyanidins. which are phenolic compounds beJonging to the class of flavonokls present in cinnamon are considered as the main bloactive component which imparts a hypoglycaemic effect Alttlough oral hypoglycemic synthetic drugs can achieve this, synthetic drugs cause severaJ skle effeClS on human health. Hence, the pu.rpose of this study was to Investigate natural herbs that have fewer side effects for managing diabetes. Phytochemicats lhat are respons!ble for the anti-diabetic properties rn two accessions of CJnnamomum zeytallicum leaf, known as Sri Gemunu and Srt Wijaya, were 1es100 for lh8 hypoglY!J8mlc effect Out of the three extraction methods; ethanollc extraction, hot water extraction and pressurized hot water extraction, ethanolc extraclbn showed the highest extraction yield. The yield of Sri Gemunu ethanolic extract was 6.20 % wtw and yield of Sri Wijaya ethanolic extract was 9.9% w/w. Ethanollc extracts of the t'NO acoessions were tested for total phenolic content (20.60 t 0.01 mg gallic acid eq.g·' of Sri Gemunu. 6.07 ± 0.01 mg galllc acid e<j.g·' of Sri Wljaya), total ftavanold content (72.02 ± 0.02 mg quercetin e<j.g·' of Sri Gemunu, 23.59 ± 0.02 mg quercetil eq.g·• of Sri Wijaya) ,total proanthocyanldln con1ent (0.60 ± 0.05 g catechln eq.g-1 of Sri Gemunu, 0.15 ± 0.05 g catechln eq.g-1 of Sri Wi)aya) and DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC..58.18 ± 2.53 ~glml of Sri W13ya, 69.60 ± 5.48 ~glml of Sri Gemunu). GC.MS analysis and HPLC analysis l'ldicated that both accessions were rich In eugenol and clnna.maldehyde. According to the results of the study, ethanollc extract of leaves of Sri Gemunu Clnnamomum zeyfanlcum accession displayed significant amounts of phytochemlcals that are related to the antl..ctlabetlc properties compared to the leaves of Sri Wijaya. en_US
dc.publisher Sri lanka association for the advancement of science en_US
dc.subject Cinnamomum zeytanlcum, ethanollc extraction, hypoglycaemic, Sri Gemunu accession. Sri Wljaya accession en_US
dc.title Chemical composition and antl-dlaba:tic properties In leaves of accession of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeytanicum) Sri Wljaya and Sri Gemunu en_US

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