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In-vitro Microbiological Study on; an Indigenous Mouthwash (Gandusha) for Periodontal Disease

Show simple item record Peiris, K.P.P. Samaranayake, G.V.P. 2019-08-22T04:26:08Z 2019-08-22T04:26:08Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Peiris K.P.P., Samaranayake G.V.P., Dewasurendra D.M, In-vitro Microbiological Study on; an Indigenous Mouthwash (Gandusha) for Periodontal Disease, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 10, Issue 3 (g), March 2019, ISSN 0976-8081, 31610-31613pp en_US
dc.description.abstract Gandusha is clinica.lly effective in the management of perindontal disease. This study is an in-vitro anaiysis on dctcrmining the antimicrobral efficacl of the drug using standard Antimicrohial Sensitivity Test agamst a fungtrl culture isolated from a patient. Thc test was periormed according to the Well diffusion method having 6 mm diameter uells on Sahouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA). Each rr-ell rvas ioaded rrith the test drug nrired in 20 pl of sterile distilled rvater and l'luconazole 2.5 mg/ ml was used as the posrtive control. Accordrng to the results the test drug sho*'ed lnhibitory Zone Diameter (lZD) ol 1-5 mm. Therclbre rt can be stiited that the test drug is more elI'ective than the positive control and the isolated culture is sensitive to the rest drug as it had shown a IZD of l9 mm while it is intermedtate sensitive for the positive control as 15 mm comes under Intermediate Sensitive range (l-5 - 18 mm). These results support the fact that the indigenous nrouth wash (Candusha) is efttctive rn the management ofpcriodontal disease. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher International Journal of Recent Scientific Research en_US
dc.subject Gandusha en_US
dc.subject Anti-microbial action en_US
dc.subject Periodontal disease en_US
dc.title In-vitro Microbiological Study on; an Indigenous Mouthwash (Gandusha) for Periodontal Disease en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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