Manewa, R.M.E.S.2015-05-272015-05-272015Manewa, R.M. Erandi Shashiprabha 2015. A Study of Fair Governance due to the Hydraulic Culture in Nuwarakalaviya, International Conference on the Humanities 2015: New Dynamics, Directions and Divergences (ICH 2015), University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 21-22 May 2015. (Abstract) p.110. the hydraulic culture apparent in Sri Lanka, the tank has become a major resource of water dispensation, a great human feat. The tank has provided physical and psychological emancipation to our ancestors. Furthermore, ‘fair governance’ was established centered round the hydraulic culture in Nuwarakalaviya. Studies reveal that this was done with frugality, methodical consumption of water, disciplined sharing and customs of respectable acts. The objectives of the study are threefold: a) to identify fair governance related to tanks in Nuwarakalaviya, b) to remind society the about importance of ‘fair governance’ related to tanks in Nuwarakalaviya c) to explain that there is a socio cultural environment beyond the consumption of water in relation to tanks in Nuwarakalaviya. Qualitative data were collected using primary and secondary sources. The survey method, observations and open interviews were used to collect data from two Buddhist monks, ten male villagers and eight female villagers selected randomly as the key informants. Interviews and observation method were used too. Data were analyzedqualitatively. ‘Fair governance’ in the area related to the tanks was identified by this study. Some of them are a) festivals conducted to celebrate gods, b) customs related to tanks, c) fishing and rules observed in bathing places.enHydraulic Culture, Emancipation,Festivals, Customs, Fair GovernanceA Study of Fair Governance due to the Hydraulic Culture in NuwarakalaviyaArticle