Smith, C.Bandara, J. S.Liyanaarachchi, Susantha.Fernando, Sriyantha.2017-07-312017-07-312014Smith, C., Bandara, J. S., Liyanaarachchi, Susantha., and Fernando, Sriyantha., (2014). Managing Tourism-Led Development Strategy in Post-war Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Business Economics [SLJBE], 5: 1 - 22.1391- 9601 Sri Lankan tourism industry has been booming since the end of war in 2009. Considering the key role that tourism can play in post-war economic development, the Sri Lankan government launched a Tourism Development Strategy (TDS). This study has evaluated the feasibility of achieving the targets of the TDS by building a simple tourism demand model and by undertaking a qualitative comparative assessment with a selected tourism booms in a number of war-affected countries. The findings suggest that the TDS targets are achievable provided the country manages to expand supply of tourism related infrastructure (hard as well as soft) in a price competitive manner.enManaging Tourism-Led Development Strategy in Post-war Sri Lanka.Article