Hettiarachchy, B.S.Wijethunga, W.M.H.U.2016-12-022016-12-022016Hettiarachchy, B.S. and Wijethunga, W.M.H.U. 2016. Measuring Customer Perceived Online Service Quality: A Case of Online Education in Sri Lanka. 7th International Conference on Business & Information ICBI – 2016, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 17.2465-6399http://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/15363Owing to technological advancement, many universities have started to offer online education programs, while ensuring high level of Service Quality (SQ) as educational communities. The researchers intended to measure the level of Online SQ (OSQ) with special reference to online education programs since there is a dearth of empirical evidences that directly treated this type of investigations. This study is descriptive and conclusive in nature. A sample of 100 students following an online educational program has been selected using the simple random sampling technique. Mean Analysis, Paired and One Sample T-Tests and Gap Score Analysis were performed to test the hypotheses. Results demonstrate that the salient dimensions of expected OSQ and perceived OSQ are ‘Ease of Use’ and ‘Credibility’ respectively and the level of overall OSQ of the chosen education program is slightly negative. This research would be beneficial to educational institutions when developing strategies to enhance the level of OSQ.enOnline EducationExpected Online Service QualityPerceived Online Service QualityMeasuring Customer Perceived Online Service Quality: A Case of Online Education in Sri LankaArticle