Weerasiri, R.A.S.Hennanayake, H.M.G.Y.J.2016-11-092016-11-092016Weerasiri, R.A.S. and Hennanayake, H.M.G.Y.J. 2016. Factors Influencing on Purchase Intention of Men's cosmetic Products: with special Reference to the Men's Fairness cream Products. 1st Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researches - ICMR 2016, Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Si Lanka. 10th - 11th August 2016.http://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/14979Changing life style of Sri Lankan youth has led to a strong demand for faimess creams in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan market is gradually creating an opportunity for the cosmetics market. The trend analysis of leading companies,revealed that there is a significant need for the behavioural study to penetrate men's consumer market in Sri Lanka. In the global context, researchers have done a number of studies regarding the men's grooming products. In Sri Lankan context, a limited number of researches have been carried out to fmd out the purchasing factors of men's fairness crezlm products' The study would be beneficial to business organizations to drive the sales and to shift the brand. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the factors effect on the Purchasing Intention on Men's Fairness cream in Sri Lanka.Data was collected through a sample of 250 male respondents from Colombo area. SPSS 16 software packages has used for data analysis purpose. The conceptual model and hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics such as Co-relations and Coefficient techniques whepas charts, mode, median; percentages were used under descriptive statistics' Findings revealed that Brand, Product Qualityand Place of Distribution have a strong positive relationship with the purchasing intention of fairness cream products and the Price and Promotion show a moderate positive relationship. Product Quality, Price, Promotion, Brand and the Place of Distribution can be identified as the most influencing factors towards the purchase intention for men's fairness Cream in Sri Lankan market. Discover the world's researchenFairness creamPurchase intentionSri LankaFactors Influencing on Purchase Intention of Men's cosmetic Products: with special Reference to the Men's Fairness cream ProductsArticle