Abeysooriya, S.R.Nuwansiri, L.S.B.Kasturirathne, K.T.A.S.C.2017-10-062017-10-062017Abeysooriya, S.R., Nuwansiri, L.S.B. and Kasturirathne, K.T.A.S.C. (2017). A literary survey on traditional Nasya formulae indicated for Shiroroga. Salakya Sandipani, Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 71.http://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/17802Administration of medicines through nasal route is known as Nasya Karma. As it is the nearest root, any disease related to head is best treated by this procedure. A Nasya formulae which is used for Shiroroga was collected from selected traditional texts and categorized according to the indications, medical preparations, type of dravyas and Panchapadartha. Data were analyzed paying attention to proper variations. All the texts have mentioned 85 formulas in the chapters dedicated for treatments of Shiroroga; 17 in Sarartha Sangrahaya, 22 in Yogarnavaya, 19 in Besajjamanjusa, 17 in Varayogasaraya and 10 in Sinhala Yogarathnakara. 26 formulae were repeatedly mentioned and 59 formulae were exclusive. Among them, formulae wereidentied as indicated for Sarwashirorogas (35.59%), Krimija Shirobhithapa (ST) (11.86%), Akalapalithya (10.17%), Pittaja ST, Suryawartha and Ardhawabhedaka (6.76% per each). 59 formulae have been used as Taila (42.37%), Kalka (13.56%), Kwata (11.86%), Churna (11.86%), Grita (10.17%) and Ksheera (1.69%). These formulae contain 82.76% of Oudbhidadravya, 10.34 % of Janthawadravya and 06.90% of Parthiwadravya. Among 48 Oudbhidadravya, Nagara (25.42%), Madhuyasthi (22.03%), Pippalli (15.25%), Marica (13.56%), Vidanga (11.86%), Nirgundi (10.17%) were commonly found. Cow's milk (10.17%), breast milk (6.78%), bee honey and cow's urine (each in 03.39%), animal blood (1.69%) were mentioned under the Janthawadravya. Saindhawalavana (5.08%), Yawakshara (3.39%), Galmada and Kasisa (each in 1.69%) were used as Parthiwadravya. Dravya contain Thikta (61.11%), Katuka (59.26%), Madhura (40.74%), Kashaya (31.48%), Amla and Lavana (each in 1.85%) Rasa. Lagu (83.33%), Ruksha (51.85%), Singdha and Theekshna (each in 37.04%) were the predominant Gunas.74.55% were Ushnavirya and 25.45% were Shitavirya. 72% of Katukavipaka and 28% of Madhuravipaka. 50% of Dravya were Kaphavatashamaka. In conclusion, most of formulae indicated for Sarwashiroroga and Taila are the predominant types of preparation. Oudbhida is the common type of ingredient. Thikta and Katu Rasa, laghuguna, ushnavirya and katuvipaka were predominant Panchapadartha. Kaphavatashamaka is the predominant type of Dosa Karma.enNasyaShirorogaOudbhida dravyaA literary survey on traditional Nasya formulae indicated for Shiroroga.Book